Abandoned Kingdom Mega Devlog + Things that didn't go to plan...

I should start this Devlog off by saying that I managed my time very poorly, so this game was developed in 2 weeks. Through these 2 weeks, I laid out a basis for a potentially awesome game, but when I started to try and actually build it, the errors came pouring in, resulting in a final product which I'm not proud on. I may come back to this project to try and make it more functional in the future.

The first thing I did when creating the game was lay out a very basic turn based combat system, which towards the end of the games development cycle I expanded upon. A majority of the games development was spent on the inventory system. This worked out nicely, as the gear system piggy backed off of that inventory system. There were a lot of issues to iron out, but after about a week, I managed to make the inventory system functional.  

Entering the second week of development with my game freshly play tested, I managed to finally implement the gear system. A big complaint people had with my game was both the lack of visuals and visual feedback. I really wanted to prioritize making the game functional, meaning very minimal time was spent on visuals. I added a couple of tile maps, created a variance of enemy designs, and even added music to both the overworld and battle scenes.

Ultimately my game did not live up to the standards I created in the original concept pitch. Due to me starting really late, I was not able to implement many of the things I said I would, such as lore, randomly generated gear, nice visuals, bosses, and most importantly 2 unique combat systems. I understand that my idea was very ambitious and that I'm not a talented or experienced game developer, but I do believe if I managed my time better, a greater final product would of been produced. This product would of had way less bugs, more functionality, and an ultimate goal. Still, I am happy that I was able to make something.


The Epic Boss Fight - By David Fesliyan


The Dark Castle - By David Fesliyan


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